Friday, September 7, 2012

I'm Making My Own Masters Degree

This all started with a conversation with Doug after a game of Settlers of Catan with our neighbors.
Me: "I feel like a loser. Everyone in the room last night either has a masters degree in something or has a plan to get one someday. I don't even know what I would get one in...and I don't really want to. What's wrong with me?"
Doug: "Well, if you could get better at something that you already do with your life, what would it be?"

I'm a wife and a stay at home mom. This is my dream job. I actually have a degree in Family and Consumer Science Education. I have busy husband, a 2 year old daughter and a baby on the way, so it was easy to list areas for improvement: managing our money, organizing our apartment, cooking, meal planning, child care...the list was long. I want to get better at my life. I want to do this well.

Instead trying to find a masters program at a university that will hit a couple of things on my list, I'm going to make my own. You heard me me. I'm making my own masters degree. 

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